One of the most common things holding companies back from business transformation is process blindness. When dealing with data across disconnected systems, it’s difficult to get a complete view of how people are doing their work. Do any of these sound familiar?

  • “I don’t know what my team does”
  • “Everyone is doing the process in different ways” 
  • “The subject matter experts (SMEs) are too busy to do process discovery or documentation”
  • “We don’t know what to work on next”
  • “We don’t know if this process makes sense from an ROI perspective” 

Traditional methods of process discovery are highly manual, resource-intensive, and disruptive — requiring a high degree of human involvement and effort. Methods such as interviews, workshops, and manual observation give you part of the story, but if you can’t definitively say that you know every click, keystroke, and action your team takes to complete their work, then where do you start when trying to improve it? 

Start with the work that’s being done

Task mining answers the question of how people are spending their time by focusing on the desktop and recording all of the interactions between a user and their computer. Mimica Miner places recorders on SME desktops to automatically capture all of the tasks and processes performed, with zero manual effort required. The result is an accurate process map of all the work a team does across relevant applications, measured by time spent and categorized by task, including all decision points, business rules, exceptions, and variants.

The magic of Mimica's AI is that it knows when to ignore actions, such as an SME changing their Spotify playlist, while also understanding how actions are connected into complex processes, like checking a price list in one system and then inventory in another system before responding to a customer email inquiry.

We’ve helped enterprise transformation leaders across a number of Fortune 100 companies identify work that traditional process discovery had previously missed. For example:

  • The payroll team at this manufacturing company spent over 50% of their time on ticketing in Excel.
  • Every invoice processed by this telecom company’s accounts payable team had different types of data and required manual SME classification.
  • During the renewal process, the majority of this car rental company’s agent time was spent looking up reservations and manually inputting data to perform cost estimates on extensions.

Without realizing it, the switching between applications, the manual data entry, and the non-core work that these teams did was significantly affecting productivity and increasing inefficient hours spent.

Better processes mean better outcomes 

So how do we start improving these business processes? How do we ensure processes are efficient? With the as-is process map in place, Mimica’s AI process intelligence can answer these questions. 

Here’s how it works:

  1. Identify — Mimica highlights both opportunities for automation and unnecessary steps for elimination, ensuring that broken processes aren’t automated.
  2. Prioritize — Mimica ranks automation opportunities by time savings, ROI, automatability, and ease of automation, quickly surfacing the highest impact opportunities. 
  3. Accelerate — Mimica provides the blueprint for automation in the form of vendor agnostic process definition documents (PDD), accelerating development and reducing the time to deploy automations.
  4. Measure — Mimica allows you to continuously monitor new processes, systems, and automation in order to measure impact and easily optimize.

By providing a shortlist of tasks to automate, based on ease of automation, time savings, and cost reduction: 

  • The payroll ticketing team used Mimica’s recommendations to rebuild the requirements for their enterprise resource planning (ERP) software processes and reduced manual work by 80%.
  • One task which an SME at the telecom company had been doing for one hour a day, every day, for 14 years was identified for automation.
  • The car rental company simplified processes to reduce customer call time on rental extensions by 31%. 

Incorporating those changes into big-picture process improvements can save tens of millions of dollars for an organization. The telecom company alone identified $41 million in incremental savings.

Built for transformation leaders

Customers come to Mimica looking for an understanding of how the work is done, how time is utilized — because ultimately, time is the most valuable resource a company has — and where to improve that work. Our champions are the optimizers, they’re entrepreneurial, with problem-solving mindsets, and they’re able to see the future state that transformation done right brings:

Bigger cost savings

If you’re automating broken processes then you’re just pushing issues downstream. That’s why we say task mining is the starting point for transformation. See how work is currently done, where improvements can be made, and identify immediate cost-saving opportunities with the highest ROI. 

Better workforce productivity 

Task mining and process intelligence are not about cutting headcount, but rather, empowering teams with the tools and insights they need to be able to focus on their most valuable contributions and not be bogged down by manual work.  

Improved customer experience

Streamlining processes results in faster handle times or call center efficiency, but it also impacts your bottom line in another way — happy customers. With the right processes in place to provide your customers with seamless, timely support, you can improve customer lifetime value and loyalty.

Your journey to enterprise transformation can be underway in as little as two weeks — let's get started.